The week-long Burning Man festival officially began Sunday.
While most festival-goers are currently in traffic en route to the "playa," as the desert land is called, some are already there live-tweeting:
—Nellie Bowles (@NellieBowles) August 30, 2015
—Nellie Bowles (@NellieBowles) August 30, 2015
—Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) August 29, 2015
—Noel Cornell (@noelc) August 30, 2015
—Alexis Neely (@AlexisNeely) August 30, 2015
—Trevor Hughes (@TrevorHughes) August 30, 2015
Get the latest updates via the official Burning Man Twitter feed.
While the livestream is from fairly far away, here's a closer look at some of what past years have had to offer: